I think every runner knows the feeling. You’re running merrily along and all of a sudden you feel a zing of pain. It might be in your knee, ankle, shin, hip, whatever. You think, at first, huh, that’s weird. I’m sure that was an anomaly. Must have stepped wrong. Then you continue on and the pain…
Reflection on Injury: Patience, Presence, and Grit (or lack thereof)
I’ve probably started and deleted this post a half dozen times already. What news to share when the healing process feels glacially slow? (For a reference, it’s now been 11 weeks since the initial pain in my leg began and 7 weeks since I started physical therapy.) I doubt you really want to hear me gripe on…
Balm for the Soul
The past few weeks at work have been very busy and tiring. Not bad, just…exhausting. Everyone had reached the end of their rope and we were hanging on by our fingernails. So, a long weekend did not come amiss! Really, all I wanted to do was either go sit on a mountaintop by myself or…
Injury as a Learning Opportunity…
Mentally, this post-race/post-Scotland has been a strange time for me. Post-race blues are not unusual in the least, and it’s even somewhat expected. As I am a very goal-oriented person, not having a big hairy goal way out in the future is unsettling for me. (But… but… I need to plan!) I need something concrete to aim for…