Injury Update and Goal (and Life) Adjustment in 2020

August 19, 2020

You may have noticed things have been a bit quiet on the blog. The big reason is that in the face of a global pandemic and an (overdue) societal focus on systemic racism, it felt colossally insensitive to publish posts about adventures and whisky like everything was normal. (Whatever normal even means anymore.)  However, I also realized that in the face of daily news doomscrolling, some non-pandemic content might be a welcome, temporary respite. And that during this time of isolation, it might be a way to feel connected to others through something that is not a dystopian nightmare. What do you think?  

The other reason I haven’t posted about summer running adventures is that… I’m still injured. My hip blip post-Javelina Jundred at the end of last year has resisted months of physical therapy, massage, and acupuncture. I’ve definitely made progress, and am walking and hiking a lot… but I’m still not running. <sob> My physical therapist recommended a sports medicine doctor in order to get a few more data points to assist with treatment. After an ultrasound and x-ray on my hip, they determined I have iliopsoas tendinosis. What does this mean? Basically, it’s not inflammation like tendonitis, but degeneration of the tendon due to chronic overuse (like running hundreds of miles, maybe?) I’ll be getting an MRI soon to confirm the diagnosis. I do have treatment options, but bottom line – I won’t be running for months. Super.

I am a very goal-oriented person. Be it training for a race, taking a class, or planning a trip, there’s always a thing at the end of a defined period of time to aim towards. I tend to struggle if I have no goals – and just sort of float along, thrashing about because I have no direction. In short? I am uncomfortable without goals.

Walking towards a thing – hooray!

But 2020… for me, and basically all of humanity, has shot all of my goals to pieces. Races, travel, adventures, etc, all fell apart under our new COVID-19 reality. Well, what is this really teaching me? (Because I’m going to find a takeaway lesson because otherwise I might dissolve into a melancholy puddle of disappointment.) 2020 has now become the year of making the best of this dumpster fire by being adaptable and finding joy in the things I can do right now.

What does that actually mean? For me, exploring all the natural beauty that Washington State has to offer, and hiking “normal” distances because I’m not training for an ultramarathon. Learning about non-whisky spirits (gasp), and creating cocktails as a creative outlet. Taking on a stairway challenge to visit new-to-me neighborhoods of Seattle. Photographing the neighborhood cats on my daily walks. Staying connected with friends and family through socially-distanced visits and video calls. And even trying out some other new hobbies, just to keep my brain from turning to mush. (No, not baking sourdough… that’s my husband!) What have you been doing to keep your spirits up?

And as for the blog? I’m working on a variety of posts that hopefully will bring a smile to your face. Hiking trip reports, quarantine cocktail recipes, and more Spirit of the Trail pairings. Stay tuned and stay well!

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